proceeding further I want to tell the readers about the two type of systems
which are working at present in different countries. These economical systems
are -
Capitalism (applied in more than 200 countries today)
2) Communism (applied in 4 countries China, Vietnam,
N Korea and Cuba.
During the period of cold war i.e. from 1945 to 1991 it was applied in half of
the countries of the world including Russia)
1)Capitalism -
1)Capitalism -
This is a system which is working since many centuries in the human civilization and people think that it is a natural system. Greek, Roman, Automann, Mauryan, Gupt empires etc were all using this same capital system. And today what we see around is this same capitalism system.
In this system while at one hand people have the right to own unlimited property, on the other hand it leds to such poor people who work for those rich people and in return of that hard work they get only a small amount which is not sufficient to fed even a family of four, forget about their clothes or house.
This system permits people to earn money freely but actually only those persons who already have the money can earn more money. Those who are are poor always remain in that condition and if they want to survive, they have to continuously work for those rich people.
Also there are persons who dont even get any type of job and money and not even one time diet and they die of starvation.
In a perfect Capitalism theory of "Laissez_fair" works according to which the people are free to decide their business and business rules and Govt do not interfere in economic matters. It just collects the taxes and keeps law and order.
2) Communism –
system came as a reaction against capitalism . Karl Marx was the most famous
profounder of the Communist theories. Due to his writings revolutions started
in the whole world. And the first country of the world where the communist govt
came was Russia.
It happened in 1917 and Russia
remained communist upto 1991. The Key-factors of the communist system are -
i) Authority of All the people on all the production
means, no private property – All the production means belong to the community
and there are no personal possessions. No person has the right to own a
personal property. All the production units such as factories and farms, mines
etc are owned by whole community. And the people work in those community
production units. Thus theoretically they work for their own businesses.And in
this way all the persons in the society remain economically equal. They are no
haves and have-nots.
ii) A job is both a fundamental right and
fundamental duty of a person. Thus all the persons will surely get some type of
employment. But a person has to necessarily work even if he does not want to
iii) Political Leadership of all the people - And as
they consider communist system as the best. Therefore only one party i.e.
communist party is allowed to rule. People are not permitted to think other
ideas or form separate parties based on separate ideas.
Communist Reality - But actually this system also leds to a great disaster to humanity as we have seen during the period of 1917 to 1991. It actually creates the following effects -
Communist Reality - But actually this system also leds to a great disaster to humanity as we have seen during the period of 1917 to 1991. It actually creates the following effects -
i) In Communism economically people turn into
slaves- On the economic level the people become slaves of a cheap leviathan
industry as they do not have the right to own properties or to enjoy their
earnings or to make changes the business they are doing. Instead the normal
unions are not allowed and there remains no one to save the workers.
ii) Politically Communism is another form of
Dictatorship - What they call rule of community i.e. the rule of all the people
ultimately results in another version of Dictatorship. As all the people of the
society can’t make the authoritative decisions, some people call themselves the
representatives of the community and thus rule the community. But those so called
representatives actually act as Dictators and suppress even the normal human
rights of the citizens to speak freely and form groups. Whoever speaks against
this system is called as an enemy of communism and is terminated. All the
people always remain under a constant fear and even the natural rights of
persons are terminated.
There was a book named Animal Farm written by George Orwell which most
accurately explains the communist hypocrisy.
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